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I have a child in me
who fears isolation.
I have a villain in me
who is a prejudiced idiot.
I have a lass in me
who wishes to look beautiful  always .
I have a genius in me
who yearns to achieve .
I have a dreamer in me
who wishes to unleash reality.
I have a joker in me
who adds humour to every cell .
I have a fool in me
who complicates simple things.
I have a saint in me
who controls the rest of them.
I have a god in me ,
who loves to touch lives .
All of them share the same space
presenting themselves in a myriad of forms.
Yet,I am no perfectionist,
I commit mistakes.
But, I am myself
and enjoy being that way.
You too are a multi- coloured soul,
Celebrate your uniqueness,
Celebrate yourself!
                             - (c) Vasanthi


  1. Congratulations and all the best with the blog! Good start with the poem :)

  2. Loved the poem. Nice blog Vasanthi. Keep going!

    Love, Glory

  3. Glad you liked the poem:-)Thank you so much Glory Aunty !

  4. Nice poem ! Very well put... My favorite lines that describe the issue and the solution together...
    "All of them share the same space
    presenting themselves in a myriad of forms.
    Yet,I am no perfectionist,
    I commit mistakes.
    But, I am myself
    and enjoy being that way."

    Would love to see more whenever you put them up

  5. Wonderful blog, lovely poems Vasanthi.
    Keep it going... add some essays.
    You are a great thinker !


    1. Thank you so much !!! :-)Surely will add some !



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